Friday, January 18, 2008


Monday, October 09, 2006

We have something good going on here

It’s one of those day’s again, where I become extremely moody and irritated, due cause to boredom. As you may have realized now, that seems to be a problem with me. But I have learned to take in my stride as the eventual result of this boredom, re-asserts itself by morphing into a literary muse, which help’s me create my writing, something which helps me re-condition my thoughts.

Here I am sitting, bitching about how unfair life is. That I am being discriminated against, that bad shit happens to ONLY me. Why can’t I do this or that? But the truth of the matter is that the mere fact that I and you can sit here to think that life is going nowhere has put us in the 10 % of the world’s luckiest people. I mean think about it. We complain we don’t have better salaries when there are people in the world who make a dollar a month. ONE FREAKING DOLLAR!!! We bitch that astro is crap, and it keeps playing re-runs.

I have seen with my own eyes where people hustle over one old black and white television with real crappy government propaganda shows. We cry out that we don have enough food choices. People in our neighboring countries only have 2. Rice or no rice.

Does that mean we should not seek betterment? Does that mean we should not get good service? No. Absolutely not. All that I am saying is don’t look up always. Take a glance down once in a while. It will actually help us.

Like some one I knew once said, life is very much like a train. Regardless of what we do it will move on its destined path. We don’t all get the same path, but eventually we will all end up in the same place. But , the journey that we take in that ride, defines us a human being, builds our character and that truly makes a difference when we arrive at the end of the journey, as each life we touch during our journey helps transfuse and change the journey of someone else’s train ride.

So let’s not just say that we are not getting what we deserve. Why not, just once trying giving someone else what they deserve. Maybe seeing them getting what they deserve is actually what you need to go to the next step.



Hi everyone.

I do not know if there will be many of you who will read my blog. I do not know how many of you will like it.

But, for the longest time now, i have contemplated on writing a blog, but i don want to put in every day gossips, or my sexapades or such.

I have been trying to find a way to help my fellow men and women, to give to the community. I tried lecturing for a while, but you know the phrase teachers are poor, it's is not based on a fiction.

And since i love money too much, i ended up doing some corporate stuff. Now , money is good , but i still miss teaching, even if some of the students i had were just absolutely horrible.

Well anyway, i have been writing a book. It's yet to be published because i haven't had much time to round it up. But i will post excerpts of it. Maybe it will help, or at least make someone who is really down feel better.

I plan to not just blab my life's details, but rather things that i have learned through experience and the school of hard knocks and share it with anyone who reads and seeks to find a way. I plan to post up things from finacial know how's (not that i am great at it, but hey those who can't do teach ) and even some self help and motivational texts' to help life move on.

Well that's all for starters. Please enjoy the excerpt from my book, and do tell me what you think of it, and please if you are going to post ill comments of it, be tasteful. :)



Notes from a person,

who has the same real problems

as every other real person in

the real world.

Success stories from real people,

How they found themselves

and how success found them.

Bur most importantly how

they knew how to be happy.


Hello fellow readers. It’s nice to see that you have actually gone and done something or at least thought about doing something to understand what is this rut that you are in now. Why can’t you be like that guy who just bought his brand new Mercedes SLK 500, or why can’t you go on a round the world trip like the office mate of yours who makes about half of what you do. What is their secret? Well my friends guess what, you are not alone. And before we go on long I must tell you a bit that this book does not contain all the answers to your questions, but it will help you get to know your self a little better. So I hope by the end of the last page of this book, I’d have at least be able to help you to the very least bit, from one human being to another.

Chapter One


This is not a success formula book or a how to get out of debt book or a book to motivate you to go and amass as much material wealth as you possibly can. You won’t be reading many words like portfolio, investments, diversify stock options and a whole load of jargons, that we probably need two dictionaries to grasp the meaning of in the first place. Now I am not saying that all those things are bad, or material wealth is evil. If I was to say that I would be the world’s biggest hypocrite and I’d probably be diagnosed with mental denial syndrome or something.

What I set out to do when I begin writing this book, is to help people, to find themselves. What makes them the most happiest. Because trust me friends, when you find yourself, you will find happiness, and you will find ways to make other people happy. And making people happy always has its perks. So just bear with me, and hopefully we can all get something for what we’ve paid for this book.

When I started writing this book in 2006, I was finally getting of my ass to do something about my life which has become very routine and mundane. Now this was not all that bad, except for the fact that I was losing my mind as it was becoming constantly filled with boredom. It was as if I can feel my brain decaying. And during one of those times where I tried to challenge my mind to conjure up something is when I realized, that hey, I might not be the only guy in the world with this problem of dissatisfaction with my life. Maybe if I told people of how I felt and what I want out of life my head would be listening and maybe, just maybe I’d be able to do something about it. And guess what? I was right. I talked to so many people, friends, family, acquaintances, and 8 out of 10 people just were not content with their life.

And so I thought, well what could the problem be. So I started analyzing myself, and trust me, this is the hard part. You see as people when we are to comment on someone else we are fast to react to comment, to give idea’s to give advice, but when it comes to one self, we get a bit protective and ego begins to take over. But if you wanna get yourself out of whatever mental rut that you are in, well you must really take yourself apart. Look deep into yourself, and then you will see what’s happened to you.

Let me begin with myself first. At 26 years old I was pretty stable financially and I was climbing up, slowly but steadily. And there were moments where I felt happy, but somehow I always sank into a gloomy rut, once too often. The good thing about it was that I actually realized I had an issue here. Now to discover what, that was the quest. So I began my journey to my self.

Now you see everyone has an idea or a dream of how they want their life to be, but sadly it almost never turns out exactly the way you plan. Now when I say this some people will be thinking, maybe if I had more money things would be different. We’ll that may be true. But take it from me; if you just think of money, you can never really be happy. If your quest in life is to find joy and pleasure, and makes other’s happy, trust me money will find you. The thing is you must enjoy and be passionate about whatever it is that you are doing. Every success coach ranging form people like Napoleon Hill to Tony Robbins (and these guys are god sent bless them) have always indicated very strongly on the word passion. I mean without it we are all just as good as dead. Now how do you find the passion?

Well that's the end of what i chose to post on weblog , hope that helps ignites the flames of intent to do something with our lives, at the very least help heat up the faded ambers of passion and zest for life that we had as kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahah u suck boy!