Friday, February 8, 2008

We are accountable for us !

Have you guys been to Singapore?

I have and still do many times. I conduct a lot of my business there. Great place to spend money and make money. But the reason I brought up Singapore, is not because of that, well not for this particular blog anyway. I saw a really heart wrenching sight in Singapore.

If you walk into a Mc'd or look at the people who sweep roads and such. A lot of them are actually old retired people. Now, if these old folks are working because they are bored, well good on them. But I found out that they work for their livelihood. At age 60! Shouldn't they be enjoying their pension and take long walks on the beach?

Not to focus in on Singapore only, when I got back my eyes were opened as i can now see some pretty old people seeping the roads here as well. I actually spoke to one of them and found out that some of these people have been left to fend for themselves by their kids. The government really could not care less bout them, because lets face it, the government has too much on its hands, and no politician in the world really cares for the poor and elderly, until election time anyway.

And then I hear and read and see about the misfortunes of people without Medicare in Australia, people without health insurance in America and so on and so forth.

Now, why in the world I am talking politics, you may ask. Honestly, I don't care much for politics, or who rules and who doesn’t' because to me, I fend for my self.

How? I have my own business. I am an entrepreneur. I innovate on the situation. I do not believe in the ideology of the 'SAFE SECURE JOB". This ideology went extinct 40 years ago. (Am not making it up, look it up, the day America lost, yes people, lost the Vietnam war, a whole lot of things changed with it)

The only people, who will survive in this world, are those who can and will take care of themselves. No government or society or welfare will be able to take care of us. So if we can take care of ourselves, we will take care of our families. And the cycle continues.

How do we change the world? We become the change. Start with your self. Don't just depend on your job. YOU ARE EXPENDABLE!!! Trust me! In the early 70's every one was getting things done in Cuba and the other South American countries. Then things moved to Asia, in which countries like Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines and even Indonesia began to grow from the surge. Now things have moved to China and India. But things are getting expensive there as well, so major companies have and are moving to Vietnam and Myanmar (Cambodia now).

Look around you where are the Matsushita’s and Panasonic's? Where are the Motorola's and IBM’s? These companies have one main intent. To maximize profits and I don't blame them. That's what business is about. So don't be a statistic. Don't be an expendable asset.

Start reading business books.

Start going to seminars.

Stop procrastinating.

There is no such thing as starting something at the right time. The right time is NOW! TODAY! You will learn more about being in business when you are in business. Not by hearing or reading about it. Just like when you learnt to drive. The more you drive the better you come.

Start driving!

A British MP Tony Benn once said "If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to help people."

He was and is right of course, but bouncing of from his words of wisdom I’d like to say this,
"If we can find reasons why not to start a business, we can definitely find reasons to stay in business"

P/s: In lieu with my intentions of promoting more people, especially young people to become entrepreneurs, I have started a project called the MalaysianTalent.

It's a portal for young entrepreneurs where we provide free guides and seminars at times, to motivate and encourage more and more young people to take up the call of entrepreneurship. Come visit the site, so you can Be an entrepreneur, Do things like an entrepreneur and Excel like an entrepreneur.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Motivational words, Sathya! problem is, my motivation dies the moment i close this browser. anyway, keep writing man!